In 1983, despite the increasily unstable market, Atari was still looking for new ways to get people playing video games at home. One of those ways was to introduce a new line of educational and entertainment titles aimed at younger children, featuring a variety of popular cartoon characters. Snoopy and the Red Baron was one such game. Bugs Bunny was to be another. In the end Atari decided they could publish only one of the two. Cute, recognizable graphics and an easy, kid-friendly spin on Snoopy's never-ending battle with the Red Baron helped bolster Snoopy's appeal with playtesters, and ultimately poor Bugs got the axe.
Unfortunately, Atari's efforts to gather new players proved futile, and the market continued to crumble. Snoopy and the Red Baron fell victim to the crash, along with the rest of Atari's new children's line. Many games in addition to Bugs Bunny were canceled, and even the games that actually made it to store shelves did not sell very well. Interestingly, another game that didn't see release was a second Peanuts title, Good Luck Charlie Brown.
As for Snoopy, his World War I exploits continued well after the Atari 2600's exit from stores. In 2006, a new game featuring the dog and his German nemesis was released for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable. 2010 saw a third game on the XBox 360. Meanwhile, Snoopy's original home, the "Peanuts" comic strip, continues to run in many newspapers, despite the strip's official retirement in 2000. More video games just might be in Snoopy's future.