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Apple II Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Review

Like many other arcade conversions released in the mid '80s, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom pushes the poor Apple II to its limits, and makes it painfully obvious just where those limits are. But really this is about as good of a port as the Apple II is capable of, and it's not bad at all. Except for the difficulty selection screen at the beginning, the whole game is here, with double-high resolution graphics to help everything look pretty. Scrolling is any Apple II game's worst nightmare, but this one skirts around the issue by shifting the playfield only when Indy has reached the edge of the screen. In fact, the mine cart scene doesn't scroll at all, jumping complete from one part of the playfield to another. This chips away at the frenzy of the original arcade game, but no one plays Apple II games for the adrenaline rush anyway. Sound is almost nonexistent, which is no surprise and usually for the best in a game this busy.

In short, this one gives Apple II and Indiana Jones fans the best game they could wisely hope for.