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Commodore VIC-20 Jungle Hunt Review

So how is this? The best computer version of Jungle Hunt ends up being on the weakest computer! As noted elsewhere, the Apple II, Commodore 64 and Atari 8-bit versions are all decent but a little underwhelming. Here on the Commodore VIC-20, Jungle Hunt may not look its best, but the game is impressive enough that the graphics hardly matter. Just like they did with Donkey Kong, Atari's VIC-20 programmers managed to preserve every obstacle and challenge in every screen. Game play is smooth and consistent, and most of the arcade game's music is present, even the in-game theme missing from so many other home versions.

Of course this version is not without its quirks, especially on the jungle screens. Here, the vines do not swing while the picture is scrolling, but you can still jump at any time. This means a different strategy is necessary for navigating the jungle, especially on the second level and beyond, when the monkeys start getting in the way. Even with such issues, however, VIC-20 Jungle Hunt still succeeds in being the best among all of Atari's home computer releases. Surprise!